Optional Extras

Do you need optional extra cover?

What would you do if...

Your boilder broke and it's mid january?

This is where home emergency cover could be your saving grace, as you’ll be able to contact our home emergency helpline around the clock. We’ll arrange for an approved contractor to visit your home, check out your boiler and carry out any repair up to a value of £1,000. If the boiler is beyond economic repair you’ll get a contribution of up to £500 towards a new one.

Your neighbour built an extension and part of it is on your land?

Legal expenses cover could help sort what could be a costly situation. Solicitor’s fees can be sky high, but with this optional cover you are able to claim up to £100,000 to help you pursue and defend your legal rights. Your solicitor could help you define the boundaries of your property and, if needs be, help you take action against your neighbour to get the extension removed.

The bath tap is left running with the plug in and the bathroom floods?

In this instance, accidental damage cover could prove to be particularly handy. Any damage caused by the running water to the bathroom floor, the kitchen ceiling, or any other part of the building is covered, up to your chosen sum insured on your Buildings Insurance.

Your suitcase was lost whilst you're half way round the world on holiday?

If you had personal possessions cover, you’d still be able to enjoy your holiday... kick back, relax and unwind, as your suitcase would be covered. It wouldn’t make any difference if it was lost outside of the UK as personal possessions cover protects your possessions anywhere, whether it‘s a weekend in Wales or two weeks in Tibet.